Saturday, June 14, 2008

Grand anglo-français blanc et noir GREAT ANGLO-FRENCH WHITE AND BLACK HOUND

Grand anglo-français blanc et noir GREAT ANGLO-FRENCH WHITE AND BLACK HOUND

FCI-Standard N° 323 / 18. 06. 1996 / GB

TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : France.


UTILIZATION : Scenthound.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds.
Section 1.1 Large-sized Hounds.
With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Rather powerful dog with a strong bone structure, a reminder of his Gascon-Saintongeois origin.

HEAD : Strong, rather short with parallel lines.

Skull : Rather flat, occipital protuberance hardly marked, superciliary arches prominent.
Stop : Well marked.

Nose : Black, developed and rather raised.
Muzzle : Bridge of nose a little longer than the skull.
Lips : Developed, corner of the lips well defined, squareness accentuated.
Eyes : Brown, rather deep set.
Leathers : Set on quite broadly at eye level, quite flat, twisting well to become an ear of medium length ending rather in a point.

NECK : Strong, dewlap more or less developed.

Back : Straight and firm.
Loin : Quite broad, straight and rather short.
Croup : Slanting, hip bones quite prominent.
Chest : Broad and well let down. Ribs moderately rounded.
Flanks : Well filled.

TAIL : Strong at its root, tapering in a slender point, long and straight when the dog is moving.


FOREQUARTERS : Strong, straight and vertical.
Shoulders : Long and well muscled.

Thighs : Well let down, muscled without being fleshy.
Hocks : Strong, close to the ground and a little bent.

FEET : Thick and big, rather round.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Supple, extended gallop.

SKIN : White under white hair, black under black hair, with sometimes blue or dark brown patches on the belly and inside the thighs.


HAIR : Short but quite strong.

COLOUR : Obligatory white and black, with a large blanket and black markings more or less spread out; may show black or bluish speckles, or even of tan colour, but these last ones only on the legs. A pale tan marking above each eye as well as a pale tan on the cheeks, below the eyes, below the ears and at the root of the tail (coat called « quatr’oeuillé »). As in the Gascon-Saintongeois the « roebuck » mark on the thigh is fairly frequent.

Height at the withers :
Big dogs : 65 cm to 72 cm for the males.
62 cm to 68 cm for the females.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Depigmented nose. Excessive depigmentation elsewhere.
Under - or overshot mouth.
Eyes too light.
Without being eliminatory, the bright tans are not to be sought after.

Aggressive or overly shy.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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